Updated: 6 days ago
As of January 7, 2025,
All the Divinely Downloaded Reagents went Quantum!
What an amazing time to be alive! So many new divinely downloaded reagents came in during 2024, and now in 2025! The Quantum reagents started coming in May 2024, and now quantum reagents are the only reagents that are coming in. There was a divinely downloaded reagent that was given by the Angels about 4 years ago called Info Channels. This reagent was scalar before, but it wasn't quantumly scalar. On New Years Eve 2024, the Angels downloaded a quantum version of Info Channels. This is really exciting as the old Info Channels was to help us hold the scalar energy in our energetic system. The new quantum version must be for us to be able to hold the quantum energy in our energetic system. At this writing, there are now 6 additional scalar reagents that have been upgraded to quantumly scalar reagents. Since the first of the year, there has been a flurry of information coming in from the Angels and quantum reagents too! I can't wait to see what comes next. Very Exciting!!! Check out the opportunities to attend one of the events where I will be teaching and speaking. I will be bringing all the latest words from the Angelics and the reagents too! Hope to meet you there.
In Dec 2024 and now in Jan 2025 we saw the creation of several major quantum reagents that impacted energy systems in such a positive way:
Bone Renew
Heal & Regenerate
Complete Nutrients
Complete Minerals
Hold My Heart
Info Channels (Quantum Upgrade)
I Choose To Release Judgment
Spiritual DNA Activation
Perfect Protons (Quantum Upgrade)
Perfect Stem Cells (Quantum Upgrade)
Perfect Bio-Photons (Quantum Upgrade)
Integration (Quantum Upgrade)
Complete Resolution
Not to mention, there were several antidotes that benefited many. There is so much protonic energy flowing into our planet right now, and the levels are seemly only going to increase. There is no telling how many reagents are coming in 2025 as there seems to be a flurry of them coming in right now on the waves of this protonic energy.
KRT Spring Classic
If you are interested in learning more about the Reagents, and Radionics there is the KRT Spring Classic being held in Atlanta, GA in March 2025. Sign up while seats are still available. I will be bringing all the latest divinely downloaded reagents and infomation given by the Angels. You don't want to miss this opportunity for having energetic leaps!
Quantum Resonance Energy & RadionicsÂ
I will be presenting groundbreaking information on Quantum Resonance Energy, its principles, and how to utilize it to supercharge your radionic broadcasts, reagents, and instruments in new and exciting ways. She will give real world examples, with hands-on demonstrations that reveal how she performs visual and other forms of analysis to find and implement solutions using cutting-edge instruments, antennas, and other technology. Learn how the protonic, and plasma energies are impacting you, your projects, and your broadcasts, as well as how to take advantage of these increases. You will be able to apply the quantum resonance energy principles to all facets of your radionics immediately, propelling the energetic results to whole new levels of success.
Participants should bring pictures or samples for hands-on demonstrations. In addition, please bring some form of dowsing device, a rub plate, or energy pump for testing baselines, and changes.
Dowsing Conference 2025
If you don't know how to dowse, find a teacher and learn. There is going to be the ASD Conference being held in Maine at:
The Ferry Beach Retreat & Conference Center. https://learntodowse.com/conference-2025/ The Angels say that "the energy there will be incredible!" I am planning to be there to speak and teach. I also am planning to have the new book the Angels asked me to write available there:
The Birth of Quantum Energy: The Pathway to Ascension
As I am writing this book the Angels are adding so much new information that I have never heard before! I can't wait to have it finished and in our hands, as the Angels say "This book will help people learn and grow, it will change their lives." I know that this statement sounds like hype, but if the Angels have said this it is so. The Angels never lie. I am so excited as I am writing all the information down, because it is so encouraging. The help we are being given and the outlook for the future are so wonderful. Sure there were hard times in the past, but that is past. Look forward to the future with great antipation as our Father in Heaven has a wonderful plan that is happening right now. Recently these words were given by the Angels, "Diligence is everything and perservance prevails." Keep pressing on, and know that He has a perfect plan for us all!
My classes are not just classes, they are opportunities for having energeic growth exceleration. If you are ready for an energetic growth exceleration, attend one of my classes. The Angels never disappoint! I hope that you can make one of the events that I will be teaching at in 2025. Other workshops will be posted when details are confirmed. If you are interested in hosting me into your area for speaking or workshops, please contact me at drpeal@gmail.com
It's going to be an amazing year filled with: New Information For Our Growth, Angelic Words, and Energy Upgrades. We are just at the beginning of this amazing flow of quantum energy entering our planet.
Have a Happy New Year!
Updated: Dec 4, 2024
The Birth Of Quantum Energy Â
Dr. Peal has had a very busy and exciting year traveling and teaching. Â So many words of wisdom have been given by the Angelics, and many changes have happen energetically for your benefit. Â The rare opportunity to see the full year in review was like nothing we have done before, and was really an eye opener to see it all laid out before in one evening. The Zoom lasted over 4 hrs! There were 350+ slides in the presentation, so it was a very in-depth look at 2024, plus all the current information to date. Â Of course there was dowsing and energy checks the Zoom. Â So many energy issues were looked at, and balanced out upon addressing the real problem, not the symptom.. Dr. Peal did reagent tunings with the latest Divinely Downloaded Reagents using her stacked singing bowls for everyone present. Â After the Zoom was complete the Angels told me that the presentation was to be made into a book for people to learn and grow with. I guess I will be writing again. It has been quite some time since the Angels have asked me to write a book. I don't write unless I am asked to write. This one is going to be a great one as it will be introducing the topic of: The Birth of Quantum Energy. This book will cover and combine the spiritual, Angelic words, Divinely Downloaded Reagents, Holistic Health, Spiritual Warfare, and everything in between. There will really be nothing out there like it, so it should be fun to write. Of course, as the topics are being added, I'm sure that there will be further comentary by the Angelics on each topic. It should be interesting to hear what they have to say. This very revealing book should be available in 2025!
The theme for the last 2 weeks has been one of trusting 100% your Father In Heaven. Let go of fear and move forward! As the energy continues to increase, we too must up our game, and do life differently. Stop doing the same ole things, and expecting things to turn out differently! That is the definition of insanity. Stop holding on to the past, let go of fear, forgive and forget, breathe, breathe, breathe! From what I have seen and the Angels have said, what comes next is truly going to be amazing! The Angels say that 2025 is going to be 2024 on steriods! Thats a really wonderful thing!
If you haven't ever made one of my in person workshops, you should really try to make one in 2025 as they are really life changing events!
Above are the opportunities scheduled, with more dates being added. Stayed Tuned for all the new teaching dates for 2025 "Quantum Energy & The Human Body." It is truly going to be an amazing year ahead of us. Like and follow on facebook, for the latest updates on everything Quantum Energy Related. Sign up on the email list and receive emails on the upcoming 2025 classes and current news or follow the blog.
To sign up go to turificsolutions.com
Have a wonderful Holiday Season!
Dr. Peal
Hello Everyone,
Just a reminder if you are interested in staying up to date with the latest amazing Quantum Reagents, we are coming up on another month for our subscription services. We begin subscriptions at the first of each month. If you wish to start your subsciption, your pictures need to be emailed by Nov. 28th for a Dec 1st start date. To sign up goto: turificsolutionsllc.com/shop to learn all the information necessary to begin your subscription for Dec. Let it be your Christmas present to yourself, friend or family member.
One of the most profound statements that came out of the FL workshop was an angelic word that stated, "Focus on the Solution, not the problem, fore what you focus on you give life to. Be careful what you focus on that it adds to your life, and doesn't take from your life." This statement saved my life on 10/14/24! It is totally worth remembering and putting it into action in your life today!
So many new reagents and information came in during the workshops this year, and from the Energy Excursions. The Energetics are continuing to rise higher and higher. The latest ratio of days of rejuvenation to days you remain scalar also continues to increase. Today the ratio is 122 to every 1 day you remain in Scalar energy. Do the math there, its amazing the ground you can gain. Choosing to let go of the past, Trust & be Grateful in Yahuah will cause you to become Scalar or To Remain Scalar. This new information really takes healing and growth to a new level like never before, it is so exciting!
We are living in quite exciting times!! If you haven't attended a class, workshop or had an appointment recently you are really behind as the energy has continually been ramping higher. Dr. Peal has gone back to the Angelic Words from 2013 - 2020 and found the prophetic nature is amazing. 2025 is going to be an amazing time of revelation and information coming from the quantum realm where all truth is known! Stay tuned for the opportunities to attend one of Dr. Peal's workshops or classes to experience these amazing energies and to grow in ways you never imagined!
The energy shows no sign of slowing down, but continues to increase. This increase in energy can only be making changes on this planet and in us at the same time. There has been so much new information coming in from the Angels in the weeks following the event in Maine, Portage, WI 2-Day, and now the FL Workshop. It is truly an amazing time to be alive.
A very special new piece of Angelic Information has come in yesterday that I think will work nicely with the new reagents "Recognition," & "Rewired." These new reagents and information will not only bring balance to our bodies, but also work to stabilize our brains so that they can function at the higher levels necessary to integrate these new energies coming in. These changes in our bodies and brains will fuel the next changes in a cycle of perpetual growth and change into the higher energetic realms. How Exciting!!!
Energy Updates & New Reagents As Of 11/13/24
Wow! Wow! Wow! The 4-day Healing Retreat in Stratton, Maine was great and 7 new divinely downloaded reagents were given by the Angels as well as a new technique that I know will make a huge difference for people in their healing processes. The 2-day workshop in WI brought in a new Concept Reagent, "Rewired," and FL brought in the reagents, Protonic Integration, Plasma Integration and Divine Integration. Since returning home from FL, these quantum reagents have come in: Heal & Regenerate, Bone Renew, Whatever You Need, Manna From Heaven, Complete Nutrients, and Complete Minerals. The following is the amazing list of Divinely Downloaded Quantum Concept Reagents that have come in since June:
Heart Of Hearts
Today’s The Day
Gateway To God
Quantum Integration
Concept Of Heaven
Relationship With Creator
Color Balancer
Brain Balancer
Energy Balancer
Sound Balancer
Protonic Integration
Plasma Integration
Divine Integration
Heal & Regenerate
Bone Renew
Whatever You Need
Manna From Heaven
Complete Nutrients
Complete Minerals
Divinely Downloaded Reagents .vs. Divinely Downloaded Quantum Reagents
The difference between a Divinely Downloaded Reagent, a Divinely Downloaded Quantum Reagent, and a Divinely Downloaded Quantum Concept Reagent. The difference between the Divinely Downloaded Quantum Reagent and a Divinely Downloaded Reagent is quite simple and exciting at the same time. Both are Divinely Downloaded by the Angelics, but the Quantum Divinely Download Reagent is one that is one that crosses time and dimensional barriers.
Divinely Downloaded Quantum Concept Reagent
The latest type of Divinely Downloaded Reagent is the Divinely Downloaded Quantum Concept Reagent. This type of reagent is about a concept rather than a single thing. They too cross all dimensional and time barriers.  This new type of reagent is very exciting given that the problems most people have are not originating in this timeline or dimension.
Over the years, I have been given downloads for new balancing techniques. After the Maine 4 -Day Spiritual Retreat, a new technique was given that will be included in the upcoming 2-day workshops. This new technique is tied to the energetic changes that are happening on the Earth Right Now! Given the change in the type of Divinely Downloaded Reagents, to the Quantum Divinely Downloaded Reagents, and now the Divinely Downloaded Quantum Concept Reagents,     it definitely says to me that we are entering into a higher level of growth opportunities. It is really going to be exciting to watch as these event unfold!Â
Subscription Services
All subscriptions start on the first of the month, if your pictures are in by the last week of the month. If you are interested in becoming part of these programs, and having these new reagents become part of your daily life , check them out at turificsolutionsllc.com/shop
Dr. Peal's
2025 Teaching Schedule
Mar 2025 KRT Spring Classic
To Learn More or to Sign Up: https://www.kellyresearchtech.com/product/2025-Advanced-Radionics-ATL/150?cp=true&sa=false&sbp=false&q=false&category_id=10Â
ASD Conference:
May 28-June 2, 2025
Other 2025 Dates TBA
Blessings To You All,
Dr. Peal